This unique story began in 1760. A pair of scented leather gloves was delivered to King George III by a new London tailoring company. Founded by James Henry Creed in the same year as the young King’s accession, the House of Creed has created fragrances for the discerning for over 260 years.
Today Olivier Creed, “Créateur Parfumeur” and direct descendant of James Henry Creed, continues this great tradition. Accompanied by his son Erwin, Olivier travels extensively to source, research, inspect and commission the finest materials.
Based in Paris, with a factory at Fontainebleau, Creed manufactures many of its own essences using rare traditional techniques, enabling Creed to maintain the superior quality and authenticity of its fragrances. The raw ingredients and perfume are weighed out, mixed and macerated by hand. A timeless, modern act of creation: perfume of the past, fragrance of the future.
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Lottery ends on: February 2, 2025 8:00 pm (UTC +00:00)
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